Blomqvist, Håkan (Sweden)

Blomqvist, Håkan (Sweden)Born in Karlstad, Sweden, 1952. University studies at Stockholm University: history of religions, philosophy, ethnology.

Present occupation: librarian at the Norrköping Public Library.

A member of UFO-Sweden since 1970 (currently as vice-chairman). Co-founder of Archives for UFO Research (AFU) in 1973 and currently chairman.


Published works:
UFO – I myt och verklighet (UFO in myth and reality), 1993.
Främlingar på vår jord. Ufokontakter i Sverige (Aliens on Earth. Ufo contacts in Sweden), 2009
En resa i tiden: Riksorganisationen UFO-Sverige 25 år 1970-2010 (A journey in time: The national organization UFO-Sweden 25 years 1970-2010), 2010.
Hundreds of articles in various magazines and newspapers.

Special interests:
Contactee cases, psychological, philosophical and religious aspects of the UFO phenomenon. The theosophical/esoteric tradition and its relation to the UFO phenomenon. Building of archives for the preservation of UFO history.
