Russo, Edoardo (Italy)

Edoardo Russo was born in 1959, is married, has got a daughter and a son, lives in Turin. After classical studies, he graduated in economics and has worked as a tax consultant and chartered accountant. He can speak French and English, can read Spanish but has forgotten nearly all what he once knew of German, Latin and Greek.

An avid UFO teenage buff since 1973, he has been active with a few UFO organizations (Gruppo Clypeus since 1976, Centro Ufologico Nazionale 1978-1985, Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici 1985-) and with the editorial boards of several UFO publications (Clypeus 1976-, Ufologia, 1979-1984; Notiziario Ufo, 1978-1984; Quaderni Ufo, 1981-1983; Ufo Phenomena International Annual Review, 1981-1984; Ufo ­ Rivista di informazione ufologica, 1986-; Notizie UFO, 1985-2000; European Journal of Ufo and Abduction Studies, 2000-2003).

He is the author of a few hundreds articles published both in Italian and in international UFO periodicals, plus several chapters in UFO books and the UFO Field investigation methodology manual. (For a list of his articles and books, see Edoardo Russo’s Bibliography)

He also presented some dozens papers at UFO congresses in Italy and abroad; and has been interviewed a few hundreds times on radio, TV and newspapers.

Since 2012, he has been MUFON National Director for Italy. Since 2023 he’s actively involved in UAP Check initiative.

Address: Corso Vittorio Emanuele 108, 10121 Torino, Italy